Monday, August 23, 2010


Prints are back this season (as if they ever left) and they are returning with a vengance! Prints are appearing on all apparel and accessories but the FOOTPRINTS leave the lasting impression with me! Check out the video... The last shoe has a special place in my heart! Even when my grandmother would throw on that old leopard print coat; I knew there was a special glamour to the look she was "trying" to achieve. Prints seem to be "in" every Fall and have always been fun so I suggest that we all make the most of them this season. Let your FOOTPRINTS leave the lasting impression!

Monday, August 16, 2010


The "BOB" hairstyle was first introduced in 1915 and it was called the Castle Bob. It was named after a famous ballroom dancer named Irene Castle. She simply cut her hair for convenience purposes but little did she know' she had triggered a revolution in 20th century hair! By 1920 women everywhere bobbed their hair. This bold move empowered women while stirring much controversy. Women invaded barbershops in massive loads; as much as 2000 in one day! Men at this time had still dominated the art of hair cutting. This prompted hairdressers to accept the bob and to become more skilled at styling new and more sophisticated bobbed hairstyles. They didnt want to keep losing their clients and profits. In 1919 there were only 5,000 beauty shops in the United States, by 1924 there were 21,000! If you cant beat them, join them!!!
Bobs and short cuts still have the tendency to make us women feel sexy, bold, and empowered! Many women today still embrace the cut and have made even more bold and fierce statements! VICTORIA BECKHAM has to be one of the best bob wearers that I have ever seen! Rihanna has been known to rock a fierce bob as well!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

RIHANNA 80's BABY!!!!!!

Miss Rihanna has indeed earned her stripes as a fashon innovator with her daring style and her double-daring hairstyles! Oh what the heck! I'll give her a FUTURISTIC THROWBACK DEGREE! She has nailed head to toe classy classic as well as funky fresh. Not every diva can master this art while emerging as a "bad girl" in the oversaturated music industry. Pictured in a colorfully striped sequins cap, along with red lipstick, thick eyebrows, big sunglasses,big hoop earrings, plum nail polish, and a colorful array of G-Shock watches; Ri Ri puts us right back in the late 80's and early 90's. Style was colorful and fun during this time! Im excited just thinking about the skating and block parties and hip-hop culture. Urban youth used hip-hop's elements to express themselves! Beat-boxing, break dancing, rapping, and graffiti!! Im ready to rap now... "AH YES YES YALL! AND YA DONT STOP! AH TO THE BEAT YALL! AND YA DONT STOP!" Fashion can put you in moods and take you back... to the future.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Beyonce has done it again! She is now B.B. Homemaker in her new 1950's style inspired video entitled "why don't you love me." Here she is a reflecton of Daisy Duke from the television show "Dukes of Hazard" as well as Betty Page, one of the earliest playmates of the month for PLAYBOY magazine just to name a few. Beyonce looks fabulous in every persona she portrays here! Absolutely glamorous. Mrs. Carter has completely nailed the art of FUTURISTIC THROWBACK style... She has made me proud; from the clothes, accessories, hair, and make-up; to the props, backround, and video quality. This is how to take a throwback and make it futuristic! Beyonce has inspired fashionista's everywhere by being inspired by 1950's inspiration and Melina(video director) has done an excellent job of bringing this ispiration to video. Enjoy the show.

Monday, July 26, 2010


Hello again! I have a timeline of style by James Laver entitled "LAVER'S LAW" that you Futuristic Throwbackers might find interesting and/or controvrsal. This is the life of a costume according to him.


Indecent 10 years before its time

Shameless 5 years before its time

Daring 1 year before its time


Dowdy 1 year after its time

Hideous 10 years after its time

Ridiculous 20 years after its time

Amusing 30 years after its time

Quaint 50 years after its time

Charming 70 years after its time

Romantic 100 years after its time

Beautiful 150 years after its time

This is an interesting observation by one man. Laver is a famous costume historian, for those of you that do not know, and he was a noted authority on dress and its relationship to society. I definitely respect his observation though I do not feel as though this is exactly true for every garment and/or fashion era. In this day in age individuality is key and I feel as though we as individuals decide on the stages and times for style. Celebrities of the day tend to set the mass trends; so if one innovator randomly selects a style to repopularize then... well there it goes; most of the time its popular again. This timeline may very well be true for Laver's time period, generation, or whatever you want to call it (no direspect), but today, we dont have set rules. What do you think?

Monday, July 12, 2010


The future of fashion has already been here guys! In the name of fashion our history is our future! Create unique yet timeless looks by looking in your grandmother's closet or something... I do, and I am fabulous! Old Hollywood glamour merged with new school swagg is the ultimate combination of style people! So, geeks listen up, all you so-called fashion know-it-all's, you listen too. TAKE HEED TO THIS BLOG BECAUSE FASHION IS WHAT I DO... but im not opposed to learning from you guys or whatever. Look at the pic of Katherine Heigle! She opted for a 1920's themed 30th birthday bash and she and her date were fabulous enough to top a red carpet best-dressed list today!