Monday, July 26, 2010


Hello again! I have a timeline of style by James Laver entitled "LAVER'S LAW" that you Futuristic Throwbackers might find interesting and/or controvrsal. This is the life of a costume according to him.


Indecent 10 years before its time

Shameless 5 years before its time

Daring 1 year before its time


Dowdy 1 year after its time

Hideous 10 years after its time

Ridiculous 20 years after its time

Amusing 30 years after its time

Quaint 50 years after its time

Charming 70 years after its time

Romantic 100 years after its time

Beautiful 150 years after its time

This is an interesting observation by one man. Laver is a famous costume historian, for those of you that do not know, and he was a noted authority on dress and its relationship to society. I definitely respect his observation though I do not feel as though this is exactly true for every garment and/or fashion era. In this day in age individuality is key and I feel as though we as individuals decide on the stages and times for style. Celebrities of the day tend to set the mass trends; so if one innovator randomly selects a style to repopularize then... well there it goes; most of the time its popular again. This timeline may very well be true for Laver's time period, generation, or whatever you want to call it (no direspect), but today, we dont have set rules. What do you think?

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